16 Jul 2016

Enjoy your winter break!

It’s winter break!!! Why not use your extra time to try something new or develop a healthy habit?

1. Start a meditation practice
Now’s the perfect time! Download an app and give yourself a two-week challenge.
2. Begin journaling
Write down your thoughts at the end of the day, or even better, at the beginning. Get into the habit of doing “morning pages”, a highly effective tool for unlocking creativity.
3. Cook some veggies
Shock your family!
4. Read a bio of one of your favorite people
Pay attention to how they set goals and dealt with failure. Then make a list of some goals for yourself for the coming months.
5. Try a new physical activity
Why not yoga? or Zumba? Whatever it is, just get moving!
6. Hang out with some senior citizens
Learning how to use the Internet can actually help improve the health and well-being of seniors. So teach your grandparents how to use Skype, visit an older neighbor or grab a bunch of friends, head to the local senior center, and ask if you can run some free workshops.
7. Plan a (screen free!) family field trip
It’s important to connect with the people around us, but so many times, our screens pull us away. Look online and pretend you’re a tourist in your own town. Is there somewhere you’ve always wanted to go but haven’t had a chance? Or something you used to do as a family but haven’t done in a while?
8. Get involved in some cause you feel strongly about
Research it, spread the word, and inspire others to get involved too.
9. Reconnect with an old friend
Is there someone you had drama with that wouldn’t mind having back in your life? Send them an email, a friend request, or even a handwritten card.
10. Spark your passion
No matter what you your plans are this holiday, make sure you take the time to laugh, appreciate your loved ones, and catch up on some sleep.

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